The Seasonal Journey
is a year of personal growth,
guided by the seasons.
What if you could feel grounded, centered
& connected to your best self, everyday?
Maybe you've experienced one of those magical moments where you feel deeply present, at peace, in the flow. A moment when you see the beauty in the everyday, when you hear your intuition, and know that everything is going to be okay. Those are beautiful moments.
Unfortunately, they don't tend to last very long!
Life happens, and pulls us back into its swirl of responsibilities, distractions, worries and plans. We can get so swept up in day-to-day living, that we're running on autopilot, focused on the items on our ToDo lists. Feeling restricted by our schedules, shoulds and have tos.
You're the kind of person who is always learning, growing & evolving. But sometimes even personal growth starts to feel like another task on the to-do list! (Meditate for 10 minutes, write in my journal, read a self-help book.)
There is a different way.
A nourishing, insightful, magical way to connect with that deepest, truest part of yourself.
The best part? It's in your bones...
Awaken a deep, ancient, inner knowing within.
It's not so much learning, as remembering...
A journey into your best self, guided by the seasons.
For thousands of years, humans lived in tune with natural seasonal cycles. It's only in the past hundred years that we've forgotten how...
Connecting with the seasons awakens a deep, ancient knowing within us.
It brings us into the present moment.
Connects us to nature and our intuition.
Calms and centers us.
It’s also easy for us to do!
It’s not so much learning to connect to the seasons, but remembering.
Deep down, I knew that my soul craved this experience
The membership appeared amid the busy daily routine that had become dull but charged by the endless chores of a young kids' mom. It was so wonderfully balanced in content. Not only that I didn't feel overwhelmed, but I also got more space in my day.
...it was a beautiful enhancement on my inward journey that grounded me and helped me integrate the knowledge through practice and rituals.
Marija Maravic
The membership is a phenomenal resource to align your life-personal and professional-not only with the seasons but with your most deeply-held values and beliefs.
Liza Baker
I absolutely loved doing the rituals. I learned new techniques to balance myself and clear blocks which work so well!
We each have our own answers within us, we just need to follow our own guidance, and this program helps you do that.
Michiko Ose
The Seasonal Journey is a membership.
It's a year of personal growth, guided by the seasons.
Every season, we explore personal growth, intuition, remedies, rituals, managing our energy, journaling, mindfulness and ceremony.
And each season has natural energies that encourage us to go deeper into specific areas...
the energy of
Joy & Play
the energy of
Celebrate Abundance
Make Space
Letting Go
the energy of
Nourish Your Roots
Inner Work
Foundations & Money
the energy of
Make Space
Clearing Out
Planting Seeds
New Beginnings
You'll learn & grow while feeling lit-up, creative and curious, as we explore woo topics like herbs, flower remedies, chakras, crystals, tarot cards and more!
What’s included in The Seasonal Journey?
The Seasonal Journey is a monthly membership.
We follow the rhythm of the seasons, so we’ll cover all areas of life & work over a complete year cycle. (I hope you’ll join us for the entire year, but you can cancel at any time!)
Here’s what you get as a member:
Are you ready to weave a life of meaning & magic?
Join The Seasonal Journey
A year of nourishing, insightful, magical personal growth - guided by the seasons.
Monthly Member
No commitment. Cancel anytime.
$ 29 / month
$ 29 / month
annual member
Experience the complete cycle of The Seasonal Journey. Pay in full and get 2 months free!
$290 / year
$290 / year
vip member
Seasonal private sessions with founder Amanda Cook plus a bespoke intention oil.
$2,900 / year
$2,900 / year
It's time to remember who you were, before the world told you who you should be.
Hi, I’m Amanda Cook.
I work with entrepreneurs, executives, professionals and creatives - high-achieving women who are at a point of growth or change in their lives.
I help women create lives of meaning & magic. We begin by connecting with the seasons.
Connecting with the seasons awakens a deep, ancient knowing within us.
As you start to live & work in sync with the natural cycles, you'll feel more grounded, centered and in tune with your intuition.
This is personal growth as you've never experienced it. It's natural, easy and intuitive. You'll learn more about yourself and the natural world, spark your curiosity, and discover supportive practices, remedies & rituals.
If you'd like to step into this different way of living and working, join us for The Seasonal Journey.
Meet some of our members...
We are so conditioned to do more, more, more all the time! I love this different approach.
I have joined (and dropped out of) other membership groups before but I have to say that your philosophy and way of doing things totally resonates with me.
Is it the time of life I am in? Maybe.
I am in a huge state of transition right now personally (just became an empty nester) and questioning my business, career and feeling very burnt out!
I heard your podcast at first on the wheel of the year and was completely taken with that as I have been conditioned, like so many of us, to see December 31st as a hard ending and needing to harshly go back and evaluate everything that got accomplished and did not. The pressure felt huge, and a little soul killing because I never felt like I accomplished enough.
The reminder, and validation, that this is the winter season and a chance to rest, reevaluate and plan has been huge.
We are so conditioned to do more more more all the time and I am burnt out on that! So thanks!
Heather Carey
My mind and my house are much less muddled and cluttered, and my hot flushes have even reduced to just the odd one or two now and then!
The program helped me create my own ritual that I now look forward to as MY time and feel the calm coming over me as I start.
I think part of this course is 'giving permission' for us to pay attention to ourselves and give ourselves some care. Thank you!!
Michiko Ose
This membership makes me a better entrepreneur.
I work better, show up better, feel better when I am grounded & connected to the magic.
Nichole Sears
It gave me a nudge to finally do things I’ve always wanted to do, like create a sacred space in my house and experiment with rituals. It’s really practical, hands-on, easy and fun!
Mariko Lavender-Jones
I had practiced religious rituals daily for over 30 years and then about 15 years ago, I walked away from a faith that I realized didn't support my values.
It was very freeing, but I didn't realize until this program how much I got out of having a ritual.
Learning new ideas for a ritual that supports my intentions is really one of the most rewarding things I've done in a long time.
This membership helps you refocus on your most important values and access your creative mind.
Shauna Hill
It spoke to what I felt was missing in my journey as an entrepreneur
And what was missing was an acknowledgment that everything we do is connected to the world around us - the wheel of the year, the cycles of the moon, etc.
It also came at a time when I was exploring how to be more attuned to the natural world.
This membership has provided me with a community that thinks like I do, wants to connect all aspects of our "being" like I do and provides me with easy action steps to implement.
I also adore Amanda's authenticity in building this program out for us and her dedication to listening to our needs and building something that is customized for us.
It's really awesome! And it all just speaks to ME!
Shelly Alindgren Outwater
Deep down, I knew that my soul craved this experience
The membership appeared amid the busy daily routine that had become dull but charged by the endless chores of a young kids' mom. In the middle of my accelerated exploration of new business opportunities. Exactly while I was going through the intensive spiritual growth, and while the changes in our expat-family dynamics were lurking.
Of course, I had no time for it, but deep down, I knew that my soul craved this experience.
I've known Amanda for years, and I knew that she would share the good stuff.
It was so wonderfully balanced in content. Not only that I didn't feel overwhelmed, but I also got more space in my day.
I started to make 10 minute breaks and go out for a walk daily. I began to actively work on my energy levels during the day, to ground, and to protect myself.
It helped me to give permission to myself to apply and practice everything that I was learning for years.
In the beginning, I was afraid that this would be pure escapism from the things that I was dealing with, but on the contrary, it was a beautiful enhancement on my inward journey that grounded me and helped me integrate the knowledge through practice and rituals.
Marija Maravic
It's time to connect with the deepest, truest version of yourself (infused with magic!) Come with us on The Seasonal Journey.
Monthly membership. Cancel anytime.